We are a nation of immigrants, and we must pass comprehensive immigration reform that reflects our values and promotes our national security.

As an Air Force Veteran and a Texan, I recognize it is critical we secure our borders. But we can keep our communities safe and provide opportunities for hardworking people to come here legally and strengthen our communities in accordance with our values as a country––these goals are not mutually exclusive. Ours is a nation of immigrants, and we must pass comprehensive immigration reform that reflects our values and promotes our national security. I’ll work to empower border agencies to humanely and effectively secure our borders, while supporting a pathway to citizenship for those who have come here, paid their taxes, followed the rules, and enriched our nation. And I’ll fight hard to protect Dreamers who were brought here as kids and know no other country than the one they’ve grown up in and worked to strengthen.

In Congress, I will:

  • Support investments in effective border security technology and appropriate staffing of ports of entry.

  • Ensure border enforcement is done humanely and in accordance with our values as a country, and that we never again lock up and separate kids from their families. 

  • Pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes an earned pathway to citizenship for current immigrants so those who have followed the rules can come out of the shadows and continue to build their lives and strengthen our communities.

  • Pass legislation permanently protecting Dreamers.

  • Ensure that actions taken to secure Texas’ border do not displace or hurt the health of historically marginalized communities, while also protecting our natural resources and beautiful landscapes in South Texas.
